English Language Development
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Year
Pre-requisite: Identified ELL, Instructor Approval
Credit: 1
Course Overview: This course is designed for students whose first language is not English and whose proficiency level is Beginning to Early Intermediate. Its purpose is to help students develop their English Language skills. This class will provide English Language Development through systematic and explicit instruction of vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Prior determination of proficiency level by ELD teacher is provided
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Year
Pre-requisite: Identified ELL, Instructor Approval
Credit: 1
Course Overview: This course is designed for students whose first language is not English and whose proficiency level is Intermediate and above. Its purpose is to help students develop their English Language skills. This class will provide English Language Development through systematic and explicit instruction of vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Prior determination of proficiency level by ELD teacher is required.
Educational Development and Supportive Programming
- Math Foundations A
- Math Foundations B
- Math Foundations C
- Writing Foundations
- Reading Decoding Foundations
- Reading Comprehension Foundations
- Foundations to Pathways/Life Skills
- Connections A
- Pathways (18+)
- Developmental Learning Center (DLC)
- Success
Math Foundations A
Pre-requisite: Data Team Decision.
1 Modified Math Credit.
This course is for students who have previously been approved by their IEP team to qualify for the Transition Program and are on an IEP. This class provides scientifically based math instruction emphasizing the five critical elements of mathematics proficiency: understanding, computing, applying, reasoning, and engaging. This program provides intensive focus on developing mathematical understanding and skills, and includes explicit instruction designed to meet the individual needs of each student. The activities are specifically targeted to address foundational understandings and are engaging for all students.
Math Foundations B
Pre-requisite: Data Team Decision.
1 Modified Math Credit.
This course is for students who have previously been approved by their IEP team to qualify for the Transition Program and are on an IEP. This class is a progression from Math Foundations A. The class provides intense focus on real life math applications. This one-credit class provides intensive focus on developing mathematical understanding in the five elements of mathematical proficiency: understanding, computing, applying, reasoning, and engaging.
Math Foundations C
Pre-requisite: Data/IEP Team Decision.
1 Modified Math Credit.
This course is for students who have previously been approved by their IEP team to qualify for the Transition Program and are on an IEP. This class is a progression from Math Foundations B. Instruction includes foundations of algebra, numbers and the number line, decimals and percents, geometric measure, multiples and factors, operations with fractions, data and integers, and ratio and graphs. Students will analyze concepts to consider the validity of their problem -solving strategies, and to explain their work to a partner or small group. Students will also explore multiple applications ofthe concepts, discuss similarities and differences, and investigate faulty strategies. This course is a customized mathematics program focused around the goal of developing conceptual knowledge.
Writing Foundations
Pre-requisite: Data Team Decision.
1 Modified English Credit or 1 Elective Credit.
This course uses the “reasoning and writing” direct instruction writing program as a base for its curriculum. This class focuses on learning and improving current writing skills. This curriculum introduces higher-order thinking skills as the foundation for writing skills. Features of this curriculum are clear, scripted lessons, tightly sequenced instruction, and careful teaching of analysis and logic skills improving the way students communicate in all subject areas.
Reading Decoding Foundations
Pre-requisite: Data Team Decision.
1 Modified English Credit or 1 Elective Credit.
This class focuses on the “decoding” skill for reading using a program that was developed to meet the needs of delayed readers, students with language-based learning disabilities, and students who have not developed literacy despite participation in literacy instruction. Direct instruction curricula is taught in this course. This class individualizes for each student, based on historical placement data, and learning begins at the student’s current skill level.
Reading Comprehension Foundations
Pre-requisite: Data Team Decision.
1 Modified English Credit or 1 Elective Credit
This is a class that focuses on reading comprehension utilizing a research-based program that was developed to meet the needs of delayed readers, students with language-based learning disabilities, and students who have not developed literacy despite participation in literacy instruction. This comprehensive program teaches the many separate skills necessary to read skill level textbooks, learn new information, and respond to written questions that involve deductions and rule applications.
Foundations to Pathways/Life Skills
Semester /Year.
Pre-requisite: Instructor/Team Approval.
½ or 1 Elective Credit.
This is a class that focuses on the “world around us” and encompasses many different topics. This class is designed for students who have been pre-approved by their IEP teams for participation in the Transition Program and will enroll in the Pathways Program after 12th grade graduation. The focus of this course is to introduce, develop, and enhance skills in all academics, and also incorporates many functional skill activities such as cooking, health, science, social science, preparation for adult living in our community, and more.
Connections A
Pre-requisite: Instructor/Team Approval.
½ Elective Credit.
Designed for secondary students to learn how to improve their relationships with others. The lessons and activities teach basic social skills, help students to see themselves as others see them, and how to make behavior adjustments to meet our cultural expectations. This class begins with an exploration of our cultural “norms” and expected behaviors in all real-life situations. Social skills are presented in small sequential steps: activities, discussions, examples, and role-play are all used to aid students in learning these new skills. The topics covered are serious and important, however, humor and fun are always included whenever possible.
Pathways (18+)
Grade Level: Beyond 12th Grade
Length of Course: Year
Pre-requisite: Team Decision
Course Overview: This program is designed for students who are 18-21 years old and have been awarded a Certificate of Attendance from RHS, but would benefit from additional training and practice in the community in the following domains (domestic, vocational, community, and recreation/leisure.) This program is designed for students who have difficulty generalizing learned skills from the classroom to other settings (i.e. the community) and would benefit from full-day instruction in life skills and vocational training.
Developmental Learning Center (DLC)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Year
Pre-requisite: Team Decision
Course Overview: This program provides for maximum teacher – student interaction in a highly structured environment. The curriculum offers a variety of learning experiences that will help students gain the skills necessary for semi-independent or independent adult living, i.e., basic language skills, daily living skills, social skills, and pre-vocational/vocational skills. Students who are enrolled in the program have an opportunity to apply the skills learned to real life situations in the community and on the job. Teachers and parents work cooperatively to prepare students for their transition to community living.
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Year
Pre-requisite: Team Decision
Credit: 1 Elective Credit
Course Overview: The Success program has been developed to benefit students with a unique set of needs that will benefit from academic coaching throughout their high school career. Success provides the opportunity for students to acquire credits in a small, supportive setting. Success endeavors to develop citizens who are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit, have a high degree of self-reliance evident in such qualities as initiative, courage, and resourcefulness, have a positive personal character, have the desire and skills to help others, have a keen respect for basic rights of all people, and are prepared to participate in society.
General Elective Classes
- Freshman House (required elective)
- Library Media Aide/Library Assistant
- Student Aide
- Pre-Teach
- Leadership
- Surviving Life After High School
- General Education Development Preparation and Testing Program (GED)
- Credit Retrieval
- Reading Support
- Writing Support
- Standards Support
Freshman House (required elective)
Grade Level: 9
Length of Course: Semester
Pre-requisite: None
Credit: ½ Elective
Course Overview: The Freshman House period is designed for all ninth grade students to increase the significant relationships with their teachers and peers, to provide studies rich in rigor and relevance, and to create an environment for success during the transition into high school that will continue to benefit students as they move through RHS towards graduation.
Library Media Aide/Library Assistant
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Semester/Year
Pre-requisite: Media Specialist Approval
Credit: ½ - 1 Elective
Course Overview: This course is designed for the student who wishes to learn the basic operations involved in library services by assisting the professional media center staff with daily library operations. In addition, the course addresses the National Network of Business and Industry Associations’ Common Employability Skills. Good attendance, attention to detail, and a positive attitude are mandatory requirements for this class. This course may be taken more than one year.
Student Aide
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Semester/Year
Pre-requisite: Instructor/Counselor Approval
Credit: ½ - 1 Elective
Other: P/NP only
Course Overview: Student Aides are involved in the daily operations of various school offices or assisting teachers in a variety of tasks in the classroom. They will have the opportunity to become familiar with selected office machines, telephone procedures, greeting the public, and interacting with school staff as employees. A student may only be enrolled in one aide class per semester and may apply no more than four semesters of aide credit toward graduation requirements
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Course: Semester/Year
Pre-requisite: Interest in Education as Future Career, Application Approved by RHS Pre-Teach Coordinator
Credit: ½ - 1 Elective
Course Overview: Pre-Teach gives students an opportunity to work with a supervising teacher in an elementary or middle school setting. Activities include material preparation, record keeping, assessment, bulletin boards, physical education and a variety of classroom projects. As these skills are demonstrated, the pre-teach student will work individually or in small groups helping children. Prior to the pre-teach field assignment, students will participate in an orientation session to review program goals, activities, and expectations.
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Semester/Year
Pre-requisite: Elected by Student Body or appointed by the advisor
Credit: ½ - 1 Elective
Course Overview: This class provides self-directed learning situations, leadership opportunities, and the development of organizational skills. Responsibilities include planning projects and activities from inception to completion, working collaboratively with students and staff, in addition to self and group evaluation. The students are accountable for attendance during in-school and out-of-school activities, fund raising, responsible time management and project performance. The class consists of A.S.B. officers, class officers and appointed representatives from various organizations.
Surviving Life After High School
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Course: Semester
Pre-requisite: None
Credit: ½ Elective
Course Overview: The purpose of this transition class is to better prepare students for post-secondary living by researching student career choices, skills, abilities, interests, and education requirements for enrollment in colleges or universities. The class also addresses budgeting, financial issues (i.e. financial aid for college), credit/debt awareness, needs vs. wants, etc. Upon completion of this course, students will have a personal portfolio containing research of careers, colleges, skills, interests, and abilities, as well as a resume, letters of reference, sample job application, transcripts, twenty hours of volunteer service in their community, and their culminating research project presentation.
General Education Development Preparation and Testing Program (GED)
Grade Level: AGE 16 or older
Pre-requisite: Counselor consultation and approval
Course Overview: This program is designed for students to earn a General Education Degree (GED). The General Educational Develop-ment Preparation and Testing Program enables approved Roseburg High School students access to the GED Option Program. Selected stu-dents are given the opportunity to study and prepare for the four GED subtests (Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science and Social Studies). Students continue toward achieving the academic credits and Essential Skills required for graduation. Students can opt to continue to pursue a RHS diploma upon completion of the GED program.
Credit Retrieval
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Varies
Pre-requisite: Counselor Approval
Credit: Varies
Day Lab:
Offered during school hours as a scheduled class, this program serves the various needs of all students. Using educational online software, students have the opportunity to work in a quiet setting on challenging curriculum that is assigned for their specific needs. This program gives students the opportunity to work at a self-regulated pace to assist in graduation. All Core courses offered at RHS are also offered in Credit Retrieval (aside from PE). Students have their choice of over 60 different electives, many of which are not offered anywhere else on campus.
After School Credit Retrieval (ASCR):
ASCR is a free after-school program for credit retrieval using the online educational platform. ACSR is offered from 3-4 pm on school days. This program gives students who are behind on credits the opportunity to work at a selfregulated pace to bring themselves back up to the point where they are on course for graduation. It is intended for students who have already failed a class in a traditional classroom. Students have 35 days to complete coursework for a half-credit course. All Core courses offered at RHS are also offered in Credit Retrieval (aside from PE). Students have their choice of over 60 different electives, many of which are not offered anywhere else on campus.
Reading Support
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Year
Pre-requisite: Data Team Decision *
Credit: 1 Elective Credit
Course Overview: This intervention course is designed to accelerate the reading of intermediate readers. The focus of instruction will be on strengthening and applying effective strategies for decoding multi-syllabic words and increasing comprehension across a range ofliterature and informational text. This class is a full year.
Writing Support
Grade Level: 10, 11
Length of Course: Year
Pre-requisite: Data Team Decision *
Credit: 1 Elective Credit
Course Overview: This intervention course is designed to increase students’ competency with the Common Core State Standards in writing. Instruction in this class will focus on parts of speech, grammar, sentence refinement, and pulling information and examples from text to support and improve writing skills.
Standards Support
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: Semester/Year
Pre-requisite: None
Credit: ½ or 1 Elective Credit
Course Overview: This course is designed to support students who are working toward the state standards. Students in this course will receive additional instruction in specific skills to assist them in participating fully in their general education courses. Instruction may include fluency, comprehension, effective strategies for reading a variety of text, organizational skills, as well as strengthening written communication. Research-based instructional skills will be taught to increase academic success at the secondary level.