Counseling Center


Khara Holborow    A - Co

Cat Wilson     Cp - Hj

Alesha Hunt     Ho-Me

Sarah Koens     Mi-Sc

Josh Sullivan     Sd- Z

Kristin Miller - Graduation Coach

Janelle Hubbard
Graduation Coach

Counseling Staff

Counseling Center Fax

Jessica Parr
Counseling Center Secretary

Sommer Popham
Registrar (Transcripts & Student Records)

Marjorie Schmidt
Counseling Center Secretary


Mission Statement

The mission of the Roseburg High School Counseling Center is to assist all individuals in acquiring the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be successful students, responsible citizens, productive workers, and life-long learners.

Requesting Transcripts/Student Records

Click the Transcript Request button below and complete the form. By submitting a request, you are authorizing Roseburg High to release your transcript(s) to the addresses provided.

When requesting a transcript(s), you will need the complete email address and/or physical mailing address.

Transcript Request

For OSAC, Oregon Promise, NCAA, or NAIA email Mrs. Hines

To upload to the common app, email your counselor.

The following requests can be submitted to: or faxed to (541) 440-4156

  • School district’s record requests for current students.
  • Enrollment/graduation verifications. They need to include a ROI, students full legal name, and
    date of birth.
  • Offices of the Court, Law Enforcement, and Social Services Organizations may request the records of a former student if the request is accompanied by legal documentation allowing RHS to release the records.

Please allow 48-hour notice when requesting transcripts


It is the philosophy of the Roseburg High School Counseling Center that all students have the ability to be successful in life. This is achieved by addressing the personal, social, behavioral, educational, and career needs of all learners, regardless of gender, race, religion or economic class. Our guidance and counseling program is vital for our students to achieve personalized, relevant learning and to develop meaningful educational plans while in school and beyond.

We believe that Guidance and Counseling:

  • is developmental, sequential, and thoughtful,
  • is a service coordinated with all educators and departments,
  • is most effective when integrated into the curriculum and other services,
  • involves the family and the broader community.

Statement of Confidentiality

At Roseburg High School, every student has the right to privacy and the right to expect the counselor-student relationship to comply with all laws and ethical standards pertaining to confidentiality in the school setting.
In our counseling offices, students are informed of the purpose, goals, and rules of counseling and are advised about the limits of confidentiality, which include the possible necessity for consulting with other professionals or making a mandatory report to law enforcement or child welfare. Information is held confidential unless disclosure is required to ensure safety to the student or others.

Delivery System

The Roseburg High School Guidance and Counseling Program will:

  • Address the needs of 100 percent of the student population,
  • Be an integral part of the instructional program and the total educational experience,
  • Include structured activities based upon the needs of each student, including developmental, preventative, and remedial services,
  • Provide accountability and continuous improvement through an annual review of student progress and program evaluation,
  • Include appropriate professional development for all staff to maintain a quality program,
  • Depend upon the support and collaboration of administrators, teachers, other school personnel, students and the community,
  • Be coordinated and implemented by licensed School Counselors.